Wodehouse Christmas

The first rule in buying Christmas presents is to select something shiny. If the chosen object is of leather, the leather must look as if it has been well greased; if of silver, it must gleam with the light that never was on sea or land. This is because the wariest person will often mistake shininess for expensiveness.

P.G. Wodehouse in Louder and Funnier

An interesting approach to Christmas, and one suspects Wodehouse may have had his wife in mind when he devised it. Not having a wife myself, it’s not a rule I’ve ever applied. I’m more inclined to be suspicious of ‘shiny things.’ A shiny thing is often the last thing people see before they exit this world.

What are your rules for present buying?

As a recipient of Christmas gifts, I imagine Wodehouse fitting comfortably in the pipe and slippers line. He was also fond of pot-boilers (if that’s the word I want, Jeeves), so perhaps a copy of  Blood on the Banisters, recommended by Cyril Mulliner, or The Herring Seller’s Apprentice by L.C.Tyler , recently reviewed by The Book Jotter).

What gift would you like to have given the great master for Christmas?

Today’s quote comes courtesy of Tony Ring’s The Wit and Wisdom of P.G.Wodehouse. I don’t own a copy of Louder and Funnier, but it would make a lovely Christmas gift.



Source notes


18 thoughts on “Wodehouse Christmas

  1. I think the ideal Christmas gift for Plum – and one that would have him jumping in joy with his hat on the side of his head, possibly singing a jolly old Irish boating song and thinking the ol’ lark was firmly on the wing and all was right with this world – would be fewer and milder critics, and the fewer and milder they were the better it would be, don’t you know.


    1. Lovely, Frank. So succinct.

      This year, I’ve wrapped up some of my husband’s old stuff (from boxes under the house that he’s forgotten about). What else do you give the man who has everything? I’ve saved myself a fortune and he’s going to love it.


  2. A delicious bit of food. Maybe lamb chops with Bookbinder’s soup, oysters, French cheeses, fresh vegetable simply steamed, a creamy potato concoction, followed by my very own lemon squares. I think I might join him.


  3. His favorite form of tobacco after he has tucked into one of those delectable meals dished out by God’s gift to the gastric juices, Anatole. I am resisting the temptation to list out specific dishes, should your hi-tech gizmos – laptop, fablet, etc – get spoiled by the excessive drooling which would inevitably take place, if I were to do so.
    Have a great festive season ahead!


      1. Apologies for the delay – I was on holidays. I have reblogged your lovely poem to Plumtopia, with my admiration and thanks for sharing. I thoroughly enjoyed it. I know some fans have strict ideas on how we should express our devotion to Wodehouse, but I’m not a stickler. But I am sure that even the fussiest devotee could not object to your delightful poetry. Very much in the Wodehouse spirit, I thought. Thank you so much for sharing it with me.


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